Cunaguaro is....
an environmental organization made up of professionals in the field of human, biological and environmental sciences. Our actions are focused on the conservation and valuation of natural resources, biodiversity, cultural expressions and the improvement of the communities' quality of life.
We have a multidisciplinary team of ecologists, environmental engineers, biologists, wildlife veterinarians and administrative staff with extensive experience in the implementation of social, environmental and conservation projects in our ecosystems. We design and execute environmental education programs with rural communities. During these years we have consolidated ourselves as a responsible and consistent organization with principles, highlighting the ethical and environmental values of the conservation of natural resources in the Orinoco region.
The word "CUNAGUARO" refers to the colloquial name for the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), which is a linguistic element that seeks to pay homage to an emblematic, charismatic, little understood and highly adaptable species that is part of the region's ecosystem. The Cunaguaro organization is made up of the Cunaguaro Foundation and the company Cunaguaro Consultores Ltda. Complementary, allied and committed to the cross-sectional objectives of promoting natural care.

"Soy Cunaguaro porque valoro la importancia de las coberturas vegetales y sus especies en la OrinoquÃa."

Generamos programas de sensibilización ambiental y seguridad Vial. Somos prevención vial.

Equipo Cunaguaro 2015

"Soy Cunaguaro porque valoro la importancia de las coberturas vegetales y sus especies en la OrinoquÃa."
"We promote conservation, the rational use of the land and community strengthening projects, thereby promoting a balance between human activities and the natural environment".
Design, execute and implement social, environmental and humanitarian projects that promote a balance between human activities and the sustainable use of natural resources, according to the needs and social, economic, cultural and ecological characteristics of our country.
By 2020, consolidate its position as a benchmark organization in social-environmental issues and for providing sustainable alternatives that contribute to socio-economic and environmental development.